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Technique Tuesday - Butt Wink (Posterior Pelvic Tilt)

A butt wink is when there is a posterior tilt and your butt curls under at the bottom of the squat. This is often seen in exercises such as squats and deadlifts that require an adequate amount of lower body mobility along with core strength. In the case of a squat, posterior pelvic tilt is usually seen closer towards hitting parallel or ass to grass and could be caused from poor ankle mobility, inadequate hamstring and calf flexibility and poor core stability. The outcome is usually lower back pain and perhaps symptoms running down into the glutes and back of the leg.

Something that helped me out was filming myself squatting from the side and back. Often times you can fix the problem just after visually seeing it. If you can’t fix it immediately, start by mobilising the ankle joint and working your way up to the hips.

Strengthening the core with exercises such as bird dogs and dead bugs will also help build pelvic stability which is needed to help counter the posterior pelvic tilt during squats.

Everyone is different so there isn't a one size fits all solution. For more information get in contact with Myself, who is more than happy to help out 🤩

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